America Trademark Registration Consulting Line 86-755-82148634
How to Register an America Trademark
The international classification in America is based on goods and services. Trademark registration is divided into registrar and deputy registrar.
The United States has joined in some international organizations and international conventions, namely, the world intellectual property organization, Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property rights, trademark registration services and services international classification nice agreement and Madrid Agreement Protocol.
The application based on intention to use shall submit the approval of the announcement of the use of evidence and the use of the oath within 6 months (You can pay to apply for an extension of the submission, up to 5 times, each extended 6 months);
the application based on practical use shall submit the approval of the announcement of the use of evidence and the use of the date while applying;
the application based on international registration just shall provide a copy of a foreign registered copy of the same trademark on the same goods or services, without the use of evidence submitted before registration. Besides, the approval of the announcement of the use of evidence and the use of the oath shall be submitted in the first 5-6 years, 9-10 years after registration, otherwise the official will take the initiative to revoke the registered trademark.
Tips : the use of evidence (specimen):
Use the evidence for samples with specific trademark with the goods or services:
1. product samples include packaging, labels, tags and the pictures of the goods with trademark ;
2. service samples includes relevant web pages, brochures, advertising and so on.
Contact Us
If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact ATAHK anytime, anywhere by simply visiting
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Hongkong:852-2196 2501 Mallaysia: 603-21418908
Shenzhen:86-755-82148634 Beijing: 86-10-58674417
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