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The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.

The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.

Update Date:2023-1-29 11:24:30     Views:536

The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.
The trademark registration price in the U.S. Service Line 86-755-82148409

The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  
The trademark registration certificate in the U.S. refers to registering in the United States. America is a country that always pays the most attention to trademark protection, and it is one of the countries which own the most trademark registration. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ] At present, the United States has been a member of the world intellectual property organization, the Paris convention, and the Madrid protocol. Its trademark protection system, such as origin, well known trademark, trademark of the customs protection system, is being used by many countries around the world for reference. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S. ]

How to Register an America Trademark [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S. ]
The United States is a country that claims case law (i.e., common law), so the court case has played an important role in the development in the United States to deal with trademark disputes and trademark law.[ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S. ]
 In United States, the principle of trademark protection that one can use a trademark first is adopted. Besides, the ownership of the trademark is usually determined in trademark use in the United States. Generally speaking, even if the first user never registers the trademark he used in the America, or the user after first register the same or similar trademark firstly, the user who use the trademark actually first has some rights which are superior to the user who uses it lately.[ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S. ] Of course, from the perspective of trademark protection, never ignore the trademarks of users have registered in the United States Federal Patent and Trademark Office .
According to the provisions of the United States currently applicable trademark registration, in the United States, trademarks, service marks, collective trademarks and certification mark can be registered. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]
The international classification in America is based on goods and services. Trademark
registration is divided into registrar and deputy registrar.


The United States has joined in some international organizations and international conventions, namely, the world intellectual property organization, Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property rights, trademark registration services and services international classification nice agreement and Madrid Agreement Protocol. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]

The application based on intention to use shall submit the approval of the announcement of the use of evidence and the use of the oath within 6 months (You can pay to apply for an extension of the submission, up to 5 times, each extended 6 months);  the application based on practical use shall submit the approval of the announcement of the use of evidence and the use of the date while applying;  the application based on international registration just shall provide a copy of a foreign registered copy of the same trademark on the same goods or services, without the use of evidence submitted before registration. Besides, the approval of the announcement of the use of evidence and the use of the oath shall be submitted in the first 5-6 years, 9-10 years after registration, otherwise the official will take the initiative to revoke the registered trademark. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]
Tips : the use of evidence (specimen):
Use the evidence for samples with specific trademark with the goods or services:
  1. product samples include packaging, labels, tags and the pictures of the goods with trademark ;
  2. service samples includes relevant web pages, brochures, advertising and so on.

[ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]
What you need when Register an America Trademark
1.Applying as a corporation, you need provide with a copy of the business license or a valid registration certificate with a copy of the official seal of 1 copies.
Applying as a natural person, you need provide with a copy of personal identification.
2.The detail information (both English and Chinese), including the name, nature, nationality and address, zip code, contact number.
3.Electronic trademark sample.
4.Commodity name and category
5.The applicant submits a declaration of a genuine use of the trademark, which indicates that the product or service is to be used for the use of the trademark (intended to be used).
6. The applicant provides a statement of a real use of the trademark (actual) and a power of attorney with ATAHK. We can help you to complete the application data.
          [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]


[ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]
The process of registering an America trademark
1. Qualification of applicant: Individual or enterprise
2.The process of registering:
1. Formality Examination  After the application is submitted, the legal review of the application documents, trademark drawings, power of attorney and other documents shall be submitted, and the application date and the number of the application will be granted. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]

2.Substantial Examination According to the law,  review whether the trademark is registered, whether it is same or similar with the prior registered trademark, whether or not to violate the Trademark Law of the disabled clause. For trademarks that do not pass the substantive examination, the examiner shall notify the applicant in writing and inform the applicant of the reasons for the rejection.
The applicant shall, within the date of receipt of the notice of rejection, be submitted for review, otherwise, the application shall be deemed to have given up, and the application date and the application number shall not be retained. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]

  3.Preliminary Approval Advertisement  Upon examination, the examiner believes that the trademark application can be accepted. It will be published in the official trademark notice of the United States. Since the date of the announcement, 1 month for the objection period.[ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]

  4.Submit a Statement of Use After the above procedures, Patent and Trademark Office issued a "A Notice of allowance". [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]

Non registration certificate:  after six months when awarded "allow notice", the applicant must provide a declaration in business in the actual use of the mark, or apply for trademark reservation.

5. Registration Approval Trademark and Patent Office received a statement of real using, once again to review, if the statement is accepted after reviewing, a certificate of registration will be issued. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]

3.Term of Validity  From the registration date of 10 years, the expiration of the valid registration term to be used, should be registered in the expiration of six months to apply for renewal of the registration, and each renewal of registration shall be valid for 10 years.

[ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]
Why do you choose ATAHK when you do your America Trademark Registration?
 ATAHK based on Hong Kong, providing services for businesses with the Beijing and Hong Kong two intellectual property services companies and dozens of global service network.
 12 service centers in ATAHK provide business registration, management, and other high-end investment and financial planning services.
  ATAHK offers a full range of services, one-stop service for you.  Others’ end just is ATAHK’ start for your service.

 ATAHK has two advantages: best team  and best service. Besides, ATAHK also provide 24-hour service.

 ATAHK has powerful enterprise added value and sets up a platform for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Besides, it established partnership with over 30,000 institutions.

Promises: The certificates that you get by ATAHK will be ensured about its authenticity, checked by professional America lawyers.  [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]

If false, ATAHK IS willing to bear the legal responsibility, and make a double compensation for businesses. [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]
Complaint call: 852-6227 6736


United States trademark registration time [ The trademark registration certificate in the U.S.  ]
The receipt time: 1-2 weeks
Notice of objection time: 1 months
Registration time: 6-12 months,  valid: 10 years


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