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Deregistration Of A WFOE Company In China

Update Date:2019-10-11 14:39:35     Views:183

Steps to Closing a Company in China
1.Clear the tax and submit Tax Clearance Declaration Report (an audit report prepared by CPA firm)
2.The tax bureau will issue a "notice of cancellation of tax registration".
3.Online application for cancellation of WFOE
4.Submit to Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Bureau
5.Cancellation of Letter of approval and Certificate of approval
6.Announcement on appointed local newspaper & Cancellation of Company Business Licenses
7.Dissolution of Organizational Code Certificate (original and copy)
8.Dissolution registration of Statistics Registration Certificate
9.Cancellation of Alien Employment Permit
10.Dissolution registration with customs (applicable to trading, manufacturing WFOE only)
11.Bank accounts closure and capital repatriation
12.Cancellation of Company stamps
13.After all these procedures are finished, State Administration of Industry & Commerce will send a "notice of the approval of cancellation for WFOE."

Documents required for WFOE de-registration
To start WFOE deregistration, you will need to prepare the following documents :
1.Originals of Certificate of approval, Letter of approval, Business License
2.Taxation registration certificate (2 originals)
3.Enterprise Code certification (2 originals)
4.Statistics registration certificates
5.Foreign exchange accounts permits
6.Witten board resolution of Cancellation of WFOE (PtC will provide this)
7.Copy of Legal Representative’s passport (first page, signature page and most recent immigration records’ page)
8.Bank Account Certificates
9.All chops of WFOE (Company chop, finance, Legal representative)
10.All accounting related documents: bank statements, invoices of WFOE expenses

If you wish to obtain more information or assistance, please contact us through the following and talk to our professionals:
Tel: +86-755-82143410/86-13823131503

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