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General requirements for setting up a company in Myanmar

Requirements for company formation in Myanmar

Update Date:2023-9-22 17:36:10     Views:131

Allowed foreign ownership
Foreign investors can set up 100% foreign-owned companies in most sectors in Myanmar. However, there are also certain business activities that foreign investors cannot undertake, such as:
 manufacturing of products for security and defense, arms and ammunition
 tour guide services
 mini-markets and convenience stores
 etc.

Minimum capital requirement
There is no official minimum capital requirement in Myanmar for companies with foreign shareholders. However, service sector companies need at least US$50,000 and manufacturing companies require US$150,000 of minimum capital. Furthermore, to establish a branch or a representative office in Myanmar, you need to have US$50,000 of minimum capital. The parent company needs to deposit this from their equity. 

Registered address in Myanmar
Another prerequisite for setting up a business in Myanmar is to have a registered address for your company. You can register your business with a virtual office or a physical office. Foreign-owned entities can rent a physical office for up to 2 years.

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