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Registration of Company Names for Hong Kong Companies

Update Date:2020-2-4 10:07:08     Views:1263

Hong Kong Company Name Registration
Hotline: 86-755-82143348, Email:

Hong Kong company registration is one of ATAHK's HK business services. To incorporate a local limited company, one of the first steps is to choose a company name. An existing company may also change its name by passing a special resolution. No provisional approval of company name will be given by the Registrar of Companies. 


General Requirements of a Company Name
1. A company may be registered with an English name, a Chinese name, or an English name and a Chinese name. A company name with a combination of English words/letters and Chinese characters is not allowed.  It is necessary to have an English name for bank account. 

2. An English company name must end with the word “Limited” and a Chinese company name must end with the characters “有限公司”.

3. A Chinese company name should contain traditional Chinese characters (繁體字) that can be found in the Kang Xi Dictionary (康熙字典) or Ci Hai Dictionary (辭海) AND also in the ISO 10646 international coding standard. Simplified Chinese characters will not be accepted. 


4. It is very necessary to have an English name for registration if the company needs to open the bank accounts with Hong Kong Banks such as HSBC, HangSeng Bank, Standard Charted Bank and Bank of China. 


Circumstances in which a Company Name will NOT be registered
Generally speaking, a company name will not be registered if:
1. it is the same as a name appearing in the Registrar’s Index of Company Names;

2. it is the same as a name of a body corporate incorporated or established under an Ordinance;

3. in the Registrar’s opinion, its use would constitute a criminal offence; 

4. in the Registrar’s opinion, it is offensive or otherwise contrary to the public interest.


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For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact ATAHK at anytime, anywhere by simply calling China hotline at 86-755-82143422, 86-755-82143512, or emailing to

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