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Shanghai Commodity Bar Code Application

Update Date:2020-3-3 17:49:54     Views:143

Shanghai Hotline: 021- 68877368
Tel (Wechat): +86 18101649652


A bar code is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. All bar codes represent data in a machine readable form. The different widths of bars and spaces in a bar code symbol represent different numbers and letters which can be decoded or “scanned”by a bar code scanner. After scan, it can be sent to a computer and recorded and processed.
The numbers in a bar code are keys to access database and to identity unambiguously items handled. The numbers are represented in bar codes to allow automatic data capture at each point where an item leaves or enter premises. Most of the company conduct commodity related service


The importance of the commodity bar code
Barcode enable the rapid and un-ambiguous identification of products. Using bar code can greatly reduce human errors in data entry and processing, eliminate ambiguities caused by inconsistent approaches to product labeling and mistakes.


Materials needed for Shanghai Bar Code Application
1. Two “Application form of Chinese commodity bar code registration”;
2. Two copies of business license;
3. Two copies of remittance voucher;
4. Official seal and legal person chapter;
5. Copies of legal representative ID.


Procedures of Shanghai Bar Code Application

1.Fill out“Registration Form of China Commodity Bar Code System Member” with Corporate official chop, which can be filled online directly.
(Take notes: The form needs to be printed and chopped if filled online, and then submit to local encoding branch organization);
2. Submit all required documents to Shanghai encoding branch organization for pre-examination.
3. If it is eligible, signed by encoding branch organization and submit to Article Numbering Center of China for approval;
4. After the encoding center received pre-examination approved documents and the applicant made payment, it will authorize the registration corporate recognition code to applicant for those meet with requirement; examination procedure completed.
5. Applicant corporate receive member certificate from China commodity bar code system. Application finished.

Above listed the materials required and procedures of Shanghai bar code application, Tannet specializes in Shanghai bar code application. We are a trusted, experienced and leading company for Shanghai bar code application, company registration, and other services like opening of the bank account, work visa application, booking and accounting.


Contact Us
For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime by calling
Shanghai Hotline: 021-68877368          Tel (Wechat): +86 18101649652
E-Mail:             QQ:3001945826
Address: Block F, 15th Floor, No.855 South Pudong Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

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