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Extension of Invention Patent

Update Date:2023-1-20 11:25:34     Views:676

Macao Patents Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143422 Email:

Invention patent granted from the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) in the People’s Republic of China or the application of invention patent can be extended to the Macao SAR, according to paragraph 2 of article 131 and article 135 of the Industrial Property Code approved by Decree-Law no. 97/99/M on the 13th of December, and article 4 and article 5 of the Notice of Chief Executive no. 7/2004 on the 24th of March.

1. To obtain protection in the Macao SAR, applicant who has filed an application of invention patent at the SIPO:

Should complete the “Application for Extension of Invention Patent from the State Intellectual Property Office” form in Chinese or Portuguese, and submit it with the annexes to the Industrial Property Application Counter of Reception Center of the Economic Services (2nd Floor). The relevant fees together with the payment slip should be submitted and paid at the Treasury of the Reception Center of the Economic Services (2nd Floor) within 8 working days upon the application. The fees in patacas should be paid in cash or by cheque, crossed and made payable to Direcção dos Serviços de Economia;


2. To obtain protection in the Macao SAR, patent-holder who holds an invention patent granted at the SIPO:
Should complete the “Application for Extension of Invention Patent from the State Intellectual Property Office” form in Chinese or Portuguese, and submit “The Copy of Extracts from the Patent Register” and “Patent Specification” issued by the SIPO to the Industrial Property Application Counter of Reception Center of the Economic Services (2nd Floor), within three months following the publication of the notice of the granting of the patent in the “Patent Gazette” of the SIPO. The relevant fees together with the payment slip should be submitted and paid at the Treasury of the Reception Center of the Economic Services (2nd Floor) within 8 working days upon the application. The fees in patacas should be paid in cash or by cheque, crossed and made payable to Direcção dos Serviços de Economia;


Documents Required:
The completed “Application for Extension of Invention Patent from the State Intellectual Property Office” form (can be downloaded on the website of the Economic Services, or obtain for free at the Intellectual Property Department of the Economic Services);

1) The Copy of Extracts from the Patent Register” issued by the SIPO;

2) Patent Specification” issued by the SIPO;


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