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Malaysia Trademark Registration

Update Date:2022-8-16 17:41:00     Views:198

Malaysia Trademark Registration
Hotline: 86-755-82148634,

How long does the registration last?
The registration will be valid for ten (10) years. The filing date will be the date of the registration.

Can the registration be renewed?
The registration is renewable for an extended period of ten (10) years by filling up Form TM12.

Is the registration valid in another country?
No, trademark protection is territorial in nature. If you registered the mark in Malaysia, your mark is only protected in Malaysia.

Is there anything I need to do before filing my application to register my trademark?
We will conduct a trademark search at myIPO website. If the trademark you are intending to register has already been registered or your mark is similar to another registered trademark, your application might be rejected.

What will I get once my registration is complete and accepted by myIPO?
If your application to register your trademark is granted by myIPO, you will get a Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark. Your trademark will also be entered into the Register of Trade Marks.

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Tel: +603-21418909

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