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China representative office information

Update Date:2023-10-26 14:35:22     Views:538

China representative office incorporation service
Hotline: 86-755-82148419, Email:, Wechat: 13823131503
What are the requirements needed for China representative office ?
(1) 1x Certificate of Incorporations or equivalent document certified by Chinese embassy or Chinese consulate overseas [Sample: UK , US, HK, AUS, RUS, SGP, GER, SWE, ISL etc.]
(2)1x Copy of Articles of Association certified by Chinese embassy or Chinese consulate overseas
(3) 1x Letter of authorization from parent company's director (with Name and passport number) to authorize someone in China to sign the documents, certified by Chinese embassy or Chinese consulate overseas. - Path To China has the template.
(4) newLetter of Authorized Signatory: Parent company's director (with Name and passport number) is the authorized signatory of that said company. This Letter of Authorized Signatory has to be certified by Chinese embassy/consulate.
(5) 1x Passport copy of proposed China Chief Representative and other Representative(s) certified by Chinese embassy or Chinese consulate overseas.
(6) 1x Appointment letter of China Chief Representative and other Representative(s) certified by Chinese embassy or Chinese consulate overseas.
(7) 1x Bank Reference Letter from investor's bank to declaring good standing and certified by Chinese embassy or Chinese consulate overseas. [-ban-reference-letter-]
(8) A brief summary of the operations of parent company and the China Representative office [-Form-]
(9) China Chief Representative documents: resume [-Sample-] ; 6 photos [2 inch size] ; passport copy.
(10) If there are Representatives to be stationed in China in addition to the Chief Representative, the resume, 2 pictures and passport copy of Representative(s) are required;
(11) Documents provided by landlord of office in China: 2x original leasing contracts [ Sample ] of the office premise to be used by the Representative Office (lease term should be at least 12 months); 2x certificate of real estate ownership [ Sample ], and 2x landlord identification [ Individual, Company ]

Chinese law about China representative office :
The PRC government earlier this year issued new measures that promise significant changes to how foreign representative (rep) offices calculate and file taxes in China. The changes bring China’s law on rep office taxes in line with the 2007 PRC Enterprise Income Tax (EIT) Law and may subject rep offices to new tax requirements and potentially higher tax burdens.

According to the Provisional Measures for Foreign-Enterprise Representative Office Tax Administration, which were released by the PRC State Administration of Taxation in February 2010 and took effect retroactively from January 1, 2010, foreign rep offices must now declare and pay income, business, and value-added taxes on income attributable to the rep office. Previously, rep offices could negotiate EIT exemptions with local tax bureaus on the basis that their rep office activities did not generate revenue. Under the new measures, local tax bureaus can no longer accept new rep office applications for EIT exemptions and must re-evaluate the applications of rep offices that enjoy existing exemptions. Only rep offices that have protection under a relevant double tax agreement may be considered for EIT exemptions.

The measures also clarified tax registration procedures for rep office staff and offered three formulas to calculate tax liability, depending on how complete the rep office’s financial records are:
Actual amount method  Used when the rep office has kept complete records of its expenditures and revenue, this method is comparable to the tax calculation standard laid out in the EIT Law. (Though rep offices typically do not engage in traditional profit-making activities, income has been assessed—and tax levied—based on the services they provide.)


Actual-revenue-deemed-profit method  The tax authority will use this method when the rep office has kept complete records of its revenue but not its expenditures. The reported revenue is multiplied by the tax rate and a “deemed profit rate,” which can be no less than 15 percent.


Cost-plus method  This method is used when the rep office has kept complete records of its expenditures but not its revenue. In this case, the tax authority will generate a figure to indicate revenue: Revenue = expenditures / [1 – deemed profit rate – tax rate].

Contact Us
If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact ATAHK anytime, anywhere by simply visiting ATAHK’s website , or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82148419, or emailing to

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