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China Payroll Service

Update Date:2024-11-20 15:29:40     Views:67

China payroll service introduction

Email:  Tel:86-755-82143410/86-13530066130


For a China company is it mandatory to buy social insurance for your Chinese employees? The answer is yes. It is illegal not buy social insurance according to China labor law no matter when and where you register your China company. Unless there is no Chinese employees for your China company. And yes it is not mandatory to hire a Chinese employee for your China company.


How much social insurance should I buy for my Chinese employees and how to buy it? After the company registered, the social insurance bank account has to be opened by your accountant and it will take a few days to be effective. WIth the account opened, the accoutant can add Chinese employees information into your company social insruance account. Please be noted the social insurance account is different from the company bank account. It does not belongs to the bank.


For the second step, with your employees information confirmed such as salary amount, ID card,contact number, etc. the accountant can add your employees into the social insurance system. Each month around the end of month, accountant forward social insurance deduction applciation and the social insurance system will deduct insurance amount from your company general bank account directly.


To make sure you will not miss the social insurance deadline please ensure there will be enough money each month end of the month. If social insurance system fail to deduct the amount and do not catch the deadline, there will be quite bad influence for your employees. That may influence their qualification to buy house or car ID in local city and there will also be penalties due to delay.


For further queries, you are welcome to visit us anytime, anywhere by simply visiting our website or calling at 86-755-82143410, or emailing to

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