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Shanghai WFOE Registration Requirement

Update Date:2024-12-25 15:46:10     Views:39

Shanghai WFOE registration requirement

Email: Tel: 86-755-82143410/86-13530066130


To start your business in China need to choose the city first. And Shanghai become quite a popular city for foreign investor in this case. The international Shanghai city attracts a lot of investors register WFOE and start buisness in China. Especially for financial and tecnology industry investors. Also there are many international companies choose Shanghai to establish their only representative office in Asia rather than Hong Kong.


The Shanghai WFOE registration requirement is not that difficult for investors to start off. An individual or an enterprise can be started as the shareholder of the Shanghai WOFE. There is no requirement for shareholder nationality. No matter where you come from or which country this enterprise belongs to, it can act as the Shanghai WFOE and apply company registration to Shanghai registry office.


The Shanghai WFOE can also be registered remotely like other cities in China. The shareholder does not need to visit Shanghai for the WFOE  registration. Only get the shareholder passport of registration certificate apostilled, the Shanghai WFOE can be finished registration. It will take around 10 to15 working days to get the WFOE registered after all required documents well prepared.


And to register a WFOE in Shanghai can also choose a virtual office as the company registered office address. It is not mandatory to have a physical office address in Shanghai to register the WFOE. It saves costs for investors at the very begining when expand their business in China. And also you can have your own physical office before starting the registration application. Either way will be acceptable for registry office.


For further queries, you are welcome to visit us anytime, anywhere by simply visiting our website or calling at 86-755-82143410, or emailing to

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