Nanchang Investment Service
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Nanchang Investment Strategy represents the methods used for Nanchang investment. Nanchang Investment Strategy determines the direction in which a business will head. Meanwhile, the division of practice areas also enables us to draw proper talents from the appropriate offices around the Globe to assemble the most effective teams for client service. The following is a glimpse of our Strategy Practice.
Nanchang Investment Strategy – Corporate Development
In navigating the opportunities for growth, a company can get lost in the kaleidoscope of self-introspection. Corporate development advisory functions to help our client discover new business trends and reexamine their existing business model.
Milestones: While long term vision is important for the ever-forward moving company, it is crucial to establish and execute an immediate plan of action and the subsequent stepping stones that will lead to future goals. Companies must develop a strategy that will balance long term vision, intermediate term strategy, and immediate actions. It is disciplined execution, measured by milestones that make aspirations come true.
Competition: When developing corporate strategy it is vital for a company to understand what their competitors are doing, and what they will do in response to the development. By identifying their current and future competitors, companies can compare strengths and weaknesses within their sector and deploy their resources to differentiate themselves and come ahead in the competition.
Core Competence: The concept of Core Competence is as vital as its vagueness. A company needs to formulate their strategy based on what they are best at, meanwhile, recognize that their strengths evolve and build over time. Thus understand thee self and understand thy enemies' strengths, both today and the future, are important part of the corporate development endeavor.
Nanchang Investment Strategy – Financing
Capital fuels the growth of companies and companies seek funding opportunities that will maximize proceeds while minimizing cost. As companies reach different stages of growth their risk profile vary, leading to the need for different financing options. Here we have advised the following stages of financing:
Seed Capital: The ambitious entrepreneur seeking to get his fledgling business off the ground will need to locate forward-thinking investors who believe in his proposal in order to start operations. In financing fledgling enterprises the investors assume high risks but have the prospects for high returns.
Venture Capital: When a start-up experiences initial success in realizing their objectives and has piqued market interest, the company looks for venture investments to push forward their and expand their scope via Series-A, and subsequent financing.
Mezzanine Financing: Companies who are in between start-ups and IPOs require mid to late stage capital injection for growth. Private equity capital committed at this level usually has less risk but less potential percentage appreciation than at the startup level.
Capital Markets: When companies have exhibited continuous growth, financial success, and market leadership they have reached the exciting stage where they are ready to go public and approach investors to float their initial public offering.
Nanchang Investment Strategy – Building Branding Image
Building a good branding image personifies a company. It is an image, an experience, a lifestyle. These considerations should be taken into account:
Economic Value: Brand is the driver of economic value. This is particularly true for certain industries, such as consumer durables and packaged goods, where pricing power is to a great extent dependent upon brand power.
Operational Alignment: When the brand is perceived by customers as a total experience, the company's services, organization, public relations, human resource strategy, and operations need to be aligned to deliver a coherent message. Brand is not a mere advertising game. It is about firm-wide management.
Transfer Branding: Certain brands in mature markets are already clearly positioned and occupy a piece of real estate in the consumer's mind. However, when such brands are transferred to China, they have the opportunity to reposition themselves as they launch a fresh start in a completely new market.
Nanchang Investment Strategy – Market-share Seizing
Contemplating entry into a new market is a nice China investment strategy. Companies should advise, lead and manage their clients’ organizations to pioneer the vast yet highly competitive Chinese market while minimizing risks of operation.
As the initial step of Market-share seizing, companies must understand the business dynamics and the legal and regulatory environment of the new market in which they will breathe every day.
Contact Us
For further queries, you are welcome to visit ATAHK website or email to / or contact any of the following branches, thank you.
HONGKONG TEL: 852-27837818 NANCHANG TEL: 86-791-88188098