MalaysiaCopyright Protect Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143422 Email:
What are the conditions for copyright protection in Malaysia?
Three conditions:
a) sufficient effort has been expended
b) the work has been written down / recorded / reduced to material form
c) work is done by a Malaysian citizen / permanent resident and is created / published in Malaysia

How long is the copyright protection period?
The life of the author + 50years after his death
If the work is published after the death of the author / If the work is published under a pen name: 50years from the publication date
What is the basis of copyright infringement?
Copying the whole work or a substantial part of the work with a photocopier / scanner / computer
What to do if your work has been infringed?
Contact the Enforcement Unit of the Domestic Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs. Documents required:
a) an affidavit
b) alleged infringing copy
c) address where infringement is carried out
Contact us
If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact ATAHK anytime, anywhere by simply visiting ATAHK’s website , or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888, China hotline at 86-755-82143422; 86-021-31397142(Shanghai) 86-20-87550061(Guangzhou);86-592-5332308 (Xiamen); 86-10-58674909(Beijing);86-595-22515909(Quanzhou); 86-024-23180683(Shenyang) 0791-88167848(Nanchang), or emailing to,