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China marketing strategies

Update Date:2019-7-10 15:52:20     Views:349

China WFOE Registration Services
Hotline: 86-755-82147392,


As China’s economy matures, it becomes enticing, no longer for its cheap labor but rather for its growing consumer market. In the coming years, it will only become more important.A company’s marketing strategy is often the key to whether a product succeeds or fails in every market and especially in China. There are a plethora of reasons why western marketing strategies fail to reach Chinese consumers. Many companies believe that the same marketing campaigns that have been used elsewhere will also translate to the Chinese market, but this is often not the case.



•   To succeed in China, marketers may need to overcome some unique barriers. These include a lack of reliable market research, a lack of operational transparency in the Chinese marketing communications industry, and a need to find qualified marketing talent and leadership.

•   Global brands must align with local Chinese culture and tastes. The vast majority of non-Chinese marketers (63%) indicated they believe they need to change their brand attributes for Chinese consumers.

•   Many Chinese brands also are looking to extend their presence beyond their borders. Over a quarter (27%) of Chinese respondents indicated they intend to expand their brands globally.

•   Second-tier cities present the greatest opportunity. Overall, eight of ten respondents agreed that
growth is most likely beyond the first-tier cities

•   Ethical standards for marketing communications need to be put in place in order to protect the  reputation of marketing with consumers and government in China over the longer term

•   Global brands must align with local Chinese culture and tastes. The vast majority of non-Chinese
marketers (63%) indicated they believe they need to change their brand attributes for Chinese consumers.
•   Many Chinese brands also are looking to extend their presence beyond their borders. Over a
quarter (27%) of Chinese respondents indicated they intend to expand their brands globally.
•   Second-tier cities present the greatest opportunity. Overall, eight of ten respondents agreed that
growth is most likely beyond the first-tier cities


Type of marketing strategies
Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual business. However there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies. A brief description of the most common categorizing schemes is presented below:

Strategies based on market dominance - In this scheme, firms are classified based on their market share or dominance of an industry. Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies:
Leader, Challenger, Follower, Nicher


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