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General information of China Trademark Registration

Update Date:2018-12-1 17:34:22     Views:593

China Trademark Registration
Hotline: 86-755-82147392

Registering a trademark allows your company to leverage its brand and prevent others from using your name or trying to confuse customers with a similar brand. It does take some time and modest resources to register a trademark in China but the alternative exporting to China without a registered trademark would leave your brand unprotected and open to considerable risk.


1.What is a trademark?
A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the goods and services of one trader from those of others. Typically a trademark can be words (including personal names), indications, designs, letters, characters, numerals, figurative elements, colours, sounds, smells, the shape of the goods or their packaging or any combination of these. A sign must be capable of being represented graphically in order for it to be registered as a trademark.

2.Why register trademark?
Registering your trademark means that you have the exclusive right to use the trademark in relation to the goods and services for which the mark is registered. If other traders use it in Hong Kong, China in relation to the same or similar goods or services without your consent, they may be liable for infringement of your trademark and you may take legal action. If you do not register your trademark, you may still use it but it is harder to prove that you are the "owner" of the mark and as such your protection is limited.


3.Needed documents and files?
Full name(s) and address(es) of applicant(s)
for Company - Business license with seal - PDF version
for Natural person - Passport / Identity card with signature

List of goods or services  ,  POA need notarization


4.Application process
Trademark search-trademark application-formal examination-notice of Acceptance-Substantive Examination-publication-registration

Time frame:12-18 months

Period of validity:10 years; make renewal every ten years.


1.Can an applicant create a series application out of a standard application?
No. Trademark applications cannot be amended to expand on the scope of the rights originally claimed. You cannot later add trademarks to the original application as this would expand the number of trade marks claimed on the application as originally filed.


2.Can I file all of my trademark applications online?
The form has been designed to deal with the majority of applications and is structured to gather information for a basic trade mark application. Where application details are more complex, the form will dynamically change to meet the demands of the specific application.


3.Can I file an international application with different specifications for each designated country?
Yes, as long as the goods and/or services are included in the basic trademark(s).


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