Shenzhen Contract Services
Hotline: 86-755-82148419,
At the start of each year, we present a contract delivery plan for approval by our governance body which sets out a schedule for the procurement work that we will undertake over the following twelve months. The delivery plan consists of new contracts which will be developed for the first time as well as renewals of existing contracts which have come to the end of their term.
Commercial User Intelligence Groups
To ensure that the strategic priorities of members are reflected in the new contracts we develop, we hold a series of Commercial User Intelligence Groups (UIGs) with lead procurement professionals from local authorities. These stakeholders also review the contracts that are due for renewal to ensure that they are still relevant for Category B collaboration.

Contract User Intelligence Groups
Our members also have the opportunity to influence the strategy and shape of each individual contract. At the start of the contract placement process, a User Intelligence Group is established to act as a consultation forum for contract development.
UIGs comprise a mix of local authority procurement staff and specialists from the council departments who will use the contracts in their daily work. This ensures that the contract is aligned to the council's procurement strategy while also meeting the needs and demands of the staff that are responsible for delivering frontline services.
As well as contributing to decisions on what goods and services are included in the contract, UIGs can also influence the weighting of criteria used to evaluate the tenders submitted by prospective suppliers.
Category forums
Most of our contracts are grouped into categories to reflect the fact that they are used by the same local authority service area, e.g. catering or education. Therefore, in addition to our UIGs, we also run regular category forums at which local authority staff provide feedback on how well all contracts within a particular category are meeting their needs.
This ensures that the contracts are continuing to meet operational needs throughout the period of award and, where necessary, we can modify the product range or work with suppliers to optimise contract performance. Category forums also provide an opportunity for local authority peers to share procurement expertise and best practice in their service area.
Contact Us
If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact ATAHK anytime, anywhere by simply visiting ATAHK’s website , or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82148419, or emailing to