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Types of Malaysia Corporate Formation

Update Date:2018-3-9 11:02:09     Views:781

Malaysia Corporate Formation Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143348 Email:


Malaysia corporate is divided into 2 types: Local companies and Labuan offshore companies. Local companies in Malaysia exist in entity form, in which investors can choose between field operation and virtual office. There are 3 types of local companies, namely Enterprise, Malaysia Sdn Bhd, and Malaysia Foreign Corporate.

Malaysia Corporate Formation – Local Companies (Sdn Bhd)
A private limited company in Malaysia must have a minimum authorized capital and paid-up capital of RM400, 000 and RM2 respectively. Paid-up capital may differ with scope of business, therefore entrepreneurs can place the paid-up capital in phases based on actual operating conditions. Each company must provide two (2) or more shareholders; shareholders can be the directors at the same time. Shareholders do not have nationality restrictions; each company must have a minimum of two (2) directors, being a natural person with their principal place of residence in Malaysia or foreigners who hold a visa in Malaysia for more than 6 months.

Malaysia Corporate Formation – Labuan Companies

Labuan Company Formation is a hot choice for foreign investors to setup and extend business in Labuan. Today, it is an international offshore financial center. 1990 issued by the Companies Act and in the same year the establishment of offshore Labuan Offshore Business Activity legislation to ensure that Labuan offshore companies enjoy a professional and quite flexible corporate structure. The legal system is adopted English law. Tax system in Labuan is different from that of local companies. Labuan companies are taxed at a rate of 3% of net profit or annual payment of RM20,000;whichever lower. Labuan Companies are free to choose their own tax status of a filling.


Contact us
For any enquries, please do not hesitate to contact us,  Malaysia hotline:603-2141 8908,Fax:603-21418909; Hong Kong hotline: 852-27826888, Fax: 852-34262391; China hotline: 86-755-82143181, Fax: 86-755-82143182; Email: (Malaysia), Group

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