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Malaysia Patent Registration

Update Date:2018-5-3 17:07:19     Views:950

Malaysia Business Start-up Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143348, Email:


Malaysia Patent Registration is under the Patent Act1983 & the Patents Regulations 1986 Protection. Malaysia patent laws are WTO/TRIPS compatible, while Malaysia is a member of industry and the Patent Cooperation Treaty of Paris. Malaysia joined the Patent Cooperation Treaty in 2006, starting from August 16, 2006; the international application may be made to the Patent Cooperation Treaty Malaysia intellectual property company (MyIPO).

Residences in Malaysia may apply directly; foreign applicants must submit an application through a registered patent representative. Just as the laws of other countries, if an invention is novel and involves an inventive step and can be used in industry, can be patented. According to the TRIPS Agreement, patent law provides patent protection for 20 years from the date of the application. Under the law, innovation certificates offer initial protection for ten years, from the date of application, protection can be updated for two consecutive periods, each lasting for five years, subject to being exploited.


According to the TRIPS Agreement, in the context of compulsory licensing, the Patent Act permits have been sold in the markets of other countries into Malaysia (parallel imports). Government can be banned on grounds of ordre public or morality for the commercial exploitation of the patent. The law was revised to accommodate the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), as well as allowing entrance to the compulsory license within the scope of. If you want more detail regarding Patent, please refer to: Malaysia Patent Registration Requirements & Malaysia Patent Registration Advantages


Two types of grant of the patent:
1. Involves inventive step
The invention must be novel, there must be an evolutionary step, and must be industrially applicable. Patent protection is 20 years from the date of submission of applications.


2. Certificate of practical innovation
Are generally the same, only without the creativity standard patent is necessary.


Excluded inventions
In addition, an invention will not be patentable if it falls within any of the following categories of excluded subject-matter:
1. Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods.
2.Plant or animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals, other than man made living micro-organisms, microbiological processes and the products of such  microbiological processes;
3. Schemes, rules or methods of doing business, performing purely mental acts or playing games; and
4. Methods for the treatment of human or animal body by surgery or therapy, and diagnostic methods practiced on the human or animal body (although products used in any such methods are patentable).


ATAHK provides Intellectual Property rights (Patent and Copy right) and Brand Operating Service. We also provide International Trademark Registration (Madrid Trademark, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea, France, Japan, Germany, USA, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei and 200 more countries).


Contact us
For any Malaysia Patent Registration enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us, Malaysia hotline:603-2141 8908,Fax:603-21418909; Hong Kong hotline: 852-27826888, Fax: 852-34262391; China hotline: 86-755-82143181, Fax: 86-755-82143182; Email: (Malaysia), Group

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