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Taxes in Nanchang

Taxes in Nanchang/ Nanchang taxes

Update Date:2018-3-9 11:40:37     Views:841

Nanchang Auditing & Accounting Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143348 Email:

In order to run the business in a most cost efficient way, it’s necessary for investors and businessman to get a better understanding of the so-called Nanchang taxes. In addition, different types of investment activities will trigger different types of taxes.

Taxes in Nanchang - Turnover taxes
Turnover taxes in Nanchang include three kinds of taxes, namely, Value-Added Tax, Consumption Tax and Business Tax. The levy of these taxes is normally based on the volume of turnover or sales of the taxpayers in the manufacturing, circulation or service sectors.


Taxes in Nanchang - Income taxes
This includes Enterprise Income Tax (effective prior to 2008, applicable to such domestic enterprises as state-owned enterprises, collectively owned enterprises, private enterprises, joint operation enterprises and joint equity enterprises)and Individual Income Tax. These taxes are levied on the basis of the profits gained by producers or dealers, or the income earned by individuals. Please note that the new Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China has replaced the aboves two enterprises taxes as from 1 January 2008.

Taxes in Nanchang - Resource taxes
This consists of Resource Tax and Urban and Township Land Use Tax. These taxes are applicable to the exploiters engaged in natural resource exploitation or to the users of urban and township land. These taxes reflect the chargeable use of state-owned natural resources, and aim to adjust the different profits derived by taxpayers who have access to different availability of natural resources.

Taxes in Nanchang - Taxes for special purposes
These taxes are City Maintenance and Construction Tax, Farmland Occupation Tax, Fixed Asset Investment Orientation Regulation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax, and Vehicle Acquisition Tax. These taxes are levied on specific items for special regulative purposes.

Taxes in Nanchang - Property taxes
This encompasses House Property Tax, Urban Real Estate Tax, and Inheritance Tax (not yet levied).


Taxes in Nanchang - Behavioural taxes
This includes Vehicle and Vessel Usage Tax, Vehicle and Vessel Usage License Plate Tax, Stamp Tax, Deed Tax, Securities Exchange Tax (not yet levied), Slaughter Tax and Banquet Tax. These taxes are levied on specified behaviour.

Taxes in Nanchang - Agricultural taxes
Taxes belonging to this category are Agriculture Tax (including Agricultural Specialty Tax) and Animal Husbandry Tax which are levied on the enterprises, units and/or individuals receiving income from agriculture and animal husbandry activities.


Taxes in Nanchang - Customs duties
Customs duties are imposed on the goods and articles imported into and exported out of the territory of the People's Republic of China, including Excise Tax. 

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