China Trademark Registration Services
Filed after a mark has been granted registration, on substantially the same grounds as for oppositions, but not where the same arguments have previously failed in opposition to the same mark.
Filed within three months after a trademark has been registered and published, usually on the grounds that the mark is similar to either another registered mark for the same or similar merchandise, or to a mark well-known in Taiwan.
Filed after a mark has been granted registration, on the grounds that the trademark owner violated certain trademark regulations following registration. Such violations might include any of the following:
(1)lack of use of the mark;
(2)alteration of, or addition to, the mark;
(3)failure to attach appropriate distinctive symbols under Article 36;
(4)a mark's becoming descriptive of the name or shape of the designated goods or services;
(5)unrecorded licensing of the mark;
(6)a mark that is likely to lead the public into misidentification or misconception in respect of the characteristics, quality, or place of origin of the merchandise;
(7) a court judgment finding infringement of another person's copyright, new design patent, etc., by the trademark.
Contact Us
Beijing Tel: 86-13717945838
E-mail: (Jonna)
Address: Rm1902, Bldg 17, Jianwai SOHO West, No. 39 Dongsanhuan Rd, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China