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Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing

Update Date:2020-6-8 11:16:33     Views:421

Hong Kong Trademark Registration service


Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing.What happens to an application for registration of a trademark after it is filed with the Registry? There are four stages in the process of examining an application for registration: deficiency checking, examination against the requirements of the Trade Marks Ordinance and Trade Marks Rules, acceptance of application and publication for opposition, registration and issue of certificate of registration.


Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing.If there is no deficiency in your application and all requirements for registration are met, the application will be accepted for registration. If there is no opposition to the trademark application by a third party within the three-month opposition period from the publication date, the whole registration process may take as short as six months from the date of receipt of application by the Registry.


Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing.Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application - Deficiency Checking
After you have filed an application, the Registry will check whether the information provided (including the name of applicant, address, the representation of the mark, the goods and services) is complete and correct. If such information is not complete and correct, the Registry will send you a deficiency notice, asking you to correct the deficiency within two months.If everything is in order, your application will proceed to the next stage (examination of application).

Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing.Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application - Examination of Application
After the deficiency checking has been completed and everything is found to be in order, the Registry will conduct a search of the trademarks records to see if the same or similar trademark has already been registered or applied for registration by another person in respect of the same or similar class of goods or services.The Registry will also see if the trademark satisfies the registration requirements laid down in the Trade Marks Ordinance and Trade Marks Rules.

Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing.Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application - Publication of Trademark Application and Opposition to Registration
Once your trademark has been accepted for registration, it will be published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal at can view details of the trademark applications published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal and raise an opposition to them. He/She has to file an opposition notice within a 3-month period from the publication date. As the applicant, you may respond to the opposition by filing a counter-statement. Both parties are given the opportunity, within certain time limits, to file evidence in support of the application and opposition. Upon receipt of all the evidence by the Registry, a hearing will take place before a hearing officer who then makes a decision.

Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing.Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application - Registration
Once your trademark has been accepted for registration, the Registry will enter the details of your trademark into the register of trade marks and you will be issued with a certificate of registration. The relevant notice of registration will be published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal and your trademark will be registered as of the filing date of application.


Hong Kong Trademark Registration Application in Beijing.
Contact Us:
Beijing Tel: 86-13717945838
E-mail: (Jonna)
Address: Rm1902, Bldg 17, Jianwai SOHO West, No. 39 Dongsanhuan Rd, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China

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