Shenzhen JV Registration Service
Hotline: 86-755-82148419,
Shenzhen Service Industry Joint Venture, also short as Shenzhen Service Industry JV is a business arrangement in which the participants create a new business entity in Shenzhen Service Industry.
Shenzhen Service Industry Joint Venture (JV) Benefits
Shenzhen Service Industry Joint Venture (JV) can effectively take advantage of local companies in the following aspects:
a. The use of Local Partner’s Existing Facilities and Workforce
b. Avoid Bureaucratic Issues and Red Tape
c. Already Existing Relationships in China
d. Existing Distribution and Sales Channels
e. Ability to Enter into Industrial Sectors that are Excluded from Wholly-Foreign Ownership.
Procedures & Requirements
1. Decide the company business nature.
2. The foreign side can be a company or a individual person; The Chinese side should be a company rather a individual person
3.Company Address
ATAHK can provide a series of follow-up services to customers, such as bank account opening, CPA report, bookkeeping, auditing, monthly tax return and tax layout, annual return services, financial planning and China market study, Other services include domain name registration, web page design, website promotion, China trademark registration, Work Permit, Residence Permit, etc.
Contact Us
If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact ATAHK anytime, anywhere by simply visiting ATAHK’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143422, or emailing to or call 18948304248