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FAQs of Hong Kong Corporate Formation

Update Date:2019-7-10 11:39:58     Views:3434

Hong Kong Corporate Formation Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143348/
86-13823131503 Email:


Q:What are the requirements for incorporating a limited company in Hong Kong?
A:One shareholder and director above 18 years or more, Chinese resident or overseas person holding passport or ID card can incorporate a Hong Kong Limited Company. Additionally, a Hong Kong address must be supplied to be the registered address and a Hong Kong resident or professional company must be act as statutory secretary of the Company. (ATAHK can provide registered address and Corporate Secretarial services).


Q:Can Mainland resident incorporate Hong Kong Company?
A:Yes. The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance has no restriction on the nationality of shareholder/director.


Q:How long will it take for incorporating a Hong Kong Company?

A:8-10 workdays.

Q:Can the business nature does not show on the business registration certificate?
A:No. If the company does not want to indicate specifically, the nature of business may not be specified.

Q:Can the scope of business shown on the business registration certificate restrict expansion of other business of the company?
A:Since business registration certificate does not restrict the scope of business of the company which refers to main business activities of the company, business registration certificate will not restrict the expansion of other business of the company.

Q:How can a company know whether it is lawfully registered?
A:A company can entrust ATAHK to check the register or consult the Companies Registry. Additionally, if the bank is willing to open an account for the company, it is enough to prove the validity of the company.


Q:When can newly-incorporated limited company find related registration record in Companies Registry?
A:It can consult the Companies Registry after 16 workdays from the date of registration.

Q:Are obligation s incurred by limited company calculated by shares in authorized capital or issued shares?
A:The Company incurs obligation on the issued shares, but there is no obligation on un-issued shares.



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