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Hong Kong Trademark

Update Date:2022-8-8 17:03:46     Views:705

Hong Kong Trademark Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143422 Email:

Hong Kong trademark can comprise of words, phrases, designs or symbols to form a unique identity which ultimately distinguishes the holder of the mark from competitors in the market. A trademark must be capable of being represented graphically and must not be fully descriptive of the good or service it represents.

Hong Kong Trademark - Why proceed with trademark registration
Registering your mark will provide protection against outside competition from utilizing your mark to sell their goods or services; this is known legally as “passing off”. Where passing off occurs the holder of a registered trademark has the right to take legal action against anyone using the mark and can claim damages for loss or suffering caused. Registered trademarks will adopt a unique symbol (R inside a circle) which will immediately convey to the public that the trademark is registered and unavailable to use. The registered trademark symbol typically deters competitors from using the mark from the outset. Owning your own trademark is an effective marketing tool and is consequently sought after by most companies worldwide as a form of asset protection.

Hong Kong Trademark - What constitutes a registered trademark
A trademark may be registered provided it does not describe the goods or services in which it represents. The trademark cannot be a generalized term which would be unfair on other traders who will likely need to use such word to promote their goods or services. A registered trademark cannot be misleading to the public in any way and it must be capable of graphical representation. Generally, geographical areas or common names (surnames) are difficult to register due to the popularity of the terms; however it can be achieved in certain circumstances.


Hong Kong Trademark - What makes an effective registered trademark
The ideal trademark would be a name, design, logo or symbol which uniquely represents the company and broadly distinguishes them from all competitors in the market. A trademark in essence is a brand identity and should be a mark which is clearly recognizable to the public.


Hong Kong Trademark - What does a Registered Trademark allow you to do
Holders of a registered trademark are entitled to sell or franchise their mark to others. They are also permitted to allow others to acquire a license to use their trademark. Although trademark registration is not compulsory, it is highly advisable for individuals and companies to adopt to ensure the highest levels of protection is achieved against misrepresentation and counterfeit producers in the market.

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For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact ATAHK at anytime, anywhere by simply calling China hotline at 86-755-82143422, 86-755-82143512, or emailing to  

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