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Quanzhou Tax Agency

Update Date:2018-3-9 11:24:50     Views:1017

Quanzhou Taxation Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143348 Email:

Quanzhou Tax Agency is significant for Quanzhou companies and also vital for keeping reputation in the financial reporting process and is essencial to the enlargement of business markets.

Tax is financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay, or evasion of or resistance to collection, is punishable by law. Taxes are also imposed by many administrative divisions. Taxes consist of direct or indirect taxes and may be paid in money or as its labor equivalent.


Quanzhou Tax Agency - Quanzhou Taxation Category

In the current tax system, China's taxation includes taxation on turnover (including value added tax, consumption tax, business tax and customs duty), taxation on profits/income (including corporate income tax for enterprises with foreign investment and foreign enterprises, and individual income tax), taxation on property and deeds (including real estate tax, contract tax and stamp duty), and taxation on natural resources (including resources tax), which are respectively in relation to different objects of taxation. Moreover, China's taxation can be categorized into central taxation, local taxation, as well as local and central sharing taxation, in terms of revenue attribution and collection jurisdiction, according to which, the tax preferences and tax rates enjoyed by different corporations are always different.
Major Taxation in Mainland China, are as follows:
•Corporate Income Tax
•Value Added Tax
•Business Tax
•Consumption Tax
•Real Estate Tax
•Land Value Added Tax
•Stamp Duty
•Customs Duty
•Individual Income Tax
•Tax Planning for Levying Value-added Tax in Lieu of Business Tax

Quanzhou Tax Agency - Quanzhou Company Tax Advisory
Tax always comes into play in almost every facet of the business. To avoid surprise losses related to tax, tax advice needs to be sought before you enter into business transactions. Hence, tax planning is best developed in advance. However, certain transactions may have been undertaken without proper tax planning or even without any tax planning at all. In those situations, company will need to identify tax risks and find ways to mitigate them. China company advisory services aim to satisfy this kind of needs.

Quanzhou Tax Agency - Quanzhou Company Tax Advisory Services Include:
•Application and Advisory for Tax Preferences
•Tax Declaration
•Individual Income Tax Declaration for Foreign Nationals
•Tax Planning of Fixed Assets
•Long-Term Tax Advisory
•Customs Duty and Goods Tax Advisory
•Domestic Investment Structure Assessment
•Transfer Pricing Service
•Provision of the Latest China Taxation Ordinances, Amendment of Rules and Regulations, as well as Practice Bylaw Materials.
•Diagnosis of China Taxation
•Tax Planning for Levying Value-added Tax in Lieu of Business tax

With a strong emphasis on integrity and code of conduct, Quanzhou ATA believe that our organizational culture has a significant impact on tax service quality. Our clients mainly include small and medium-sized companies, as well as a significant number of subsidies of listed companies. This track record serves as testimony to our quality assurance services, which ensure that our clients' financial statements meet regulatory and business requirements.

Contact Us
For further queries, you are welcome to visit ATAHK website or email / or contact any of the following branches, thank you.
HONGKONG TEL: 852-27837818    QUANZHOU  TEL: 86-595-22515909 22515806 22515809

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