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The tax of BVI

Update Date:2018-2-14 12:10:53     Views:898

BVI Comapany Tax Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143422 Email:

The BVI are completely free of taxes. That means no income tax, no taxes on dividends, interest, royalties or any other sums that the company pays to shareholders or other persons. There is zero tax on income from capital gains through stocks, bonds or any other securities.

Transfer of ownership of an offshore company through the transfer of its securities in any form (sale, gift, inheritance, etc.) is also exempt from tax.The offshore tax-exempt status of the British Virgin Islands is laid out in the national legislation of the country (BVI Business Companies Act 2004).

BVI offshore companies are free from the necessity of submitting financial statements to the tax authorities of the country, and from carrying out statutory audits.However, we recommend not discontinuing financial accounting, as this information can be very useful in assessing the financial position of the company.


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